The Hudson Community Action Team is led by BRIDGE for Hudson Youth. The Hudson CAT has been very successful with engaging employers to talk about the benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities and diversifying the workforce in Northwestern Wisconsin.
The Hudson CAT is focusing on these three core areas:
- The development of Active Employer Councils (AECs)
- Hosting parent information sessions about Transition
- Developing community based services that support youth to obtain integrated employment
Some notable accomplishments of the Hudson CAT include:
- Completion of a community survey about transition and employment for people with disabilities
- Well attended parent information/resource events,
- 200 self-advocates have connected with the Hudson CAT,
- 22 people have become employed,
- 75 people, including students, parents and teachers attended a soft-skills for employment training coordinated and presented by Hudson CAT members.
- 9 local employers actively involved in their CAT, and growing!
For more information about the Hudson CAT, please contact Peg Gagnon at or 715-381-8230.