Do You Believe…
- That people with disabilities can and should be contributing members in their communities?
- That everyone deserves the opportunity to find and develop their best talents and contributions?
- That businesses can benefit from employees who are enthusiastic and well-matched to their business needs?
- That local economies benefit from workers who purchase more goods and services and pay taxes?
- That many of us need assistance to find their talents and ways to use them in their communities?
- That dedicated, well-trained employment service providers can effectively match individual worker talents with business needs?
- That workers, families, businesses, schools, employment agencies and entire communities CAN come together to include people with disabilities as productive members in the workplace?
If so, then you believe in EMPLOYMENT FIRST. Join us to advance this vision for all. Contact Ann Sievert, Wisconsin Board for Persons with Developmental Disabilities by phone at 608-267-9897 or by email at